
Garador spring & pulley assembly to suit Mk3c, S/S and Mk2 garage doors (manufactured before 1999) which have an overhead spring box with 2 springs in.  Also know as Westland and Catnic garage doors.  (see my other items if you require a complete spring box with both springs and cables etc)

If your spring box does not have the removeable cover, then it is not recommended that repairs are carried out, and a complete spring box assembly is purchased instead,

There are s few variations, please identify by using our spring chart. You will need to know the panel style of your door by comparing to the pictures in our chart (or looking at the label on your door), and the door size.  Alternatively, check out your existing springs for coloured bands.

Please ensure you have selected the correct part, see identification chart below:

Mk3C Spring Identification Cart
Door Sizes
Door Sizes
Horizon / Belgravia Carlton Georgian Parade Chevron Salisbury
1980 x 1905 6’6″ x 6’3″ PN58 (6’6″) PN58 (6’6″)
1980 x 1980 6’6″ x 6’6″ PN58 (6’6″) PN58 (6’6″) PN167 PN167 PN167
1980 x 2135 6’6″ x 7’0″ PN58 (6’6″) PN58 (6’6″) PN167 PN167
2135 x 1980 7’0″ x 6’6″ PN58 PN58 PN57/1 PN57/1 PN57/1 PN55/2
2135 x 2135 7’0″ x 7’0″ PN57/1 PN55/2 PN150 PN155 PN55/2 PN155
2223 x 1930 7’3½” x 6’4″ PN56/1 PN57/1
2260 x 1980 7’5″ x 6’6″ PN56/1 PN57/1 PN55/2 PN155 PN55/2 PN155
2260 x 2135 7’5″ x 7’0″ PN55/2 PN150 PN108 PN155 PN155 PN108
2286 x 1980 7’6″ x 6’6″ PN57/1 PN57/1 PN55/2 PN55/2 PN155
2348 x 2000 7’18½” x 6’6¾” PN115 PN55/2 PN150 PN155 PN55/2 PN155
2348 x 2125 7’8½” x 6’11¾” PN55/2 PN155 PN155 PN155 PN155
2400 x 2000 7’10½” x 6’6¾ PN115 PN55/2 PN150
2400 x 2125 7’10½” x 6’11¾” PN55/2 PN155
2240 x 1980 8’0″ x 6’6″ PN115 PN55/2 PN150 PN155 PN150
2440 x 2135 8’0″ x 7’0″ PN150 PN155 PN108 PN108 PN155
2500 x 2000 8’2½” x 6’6¾” PN55/2 PN150
2500 x 2125 8’2½” x 6’11¾” PN155 PN155
4270 x 1980 14’0″ x 6’6″ PN155
4270 x 2135 14’0″ x 7’0″ PN155